Paved surfaces are quite possibly the most ubiquitous structures created by humans. In the United States alone, pavements and other impervious surfaces cover more than 43,000 square milesan area nearly the size of Ohioaccording to research published in the 15 June 2004 issue of Eos, the newsletter of the American Geophysical Union. Bruce Ferguson, director of the University of Georgia School of Environmental Design and author of the 2005 book Porous Pavements, says that a quarter of a million U.S. acres are either paved or repaved every year. Impervious surfaces can be concrete or asphalt, they can be roofs or parking lots, but they all have at least one thing in commonwater runs off of them, not through them. And with that runoff comes a host of problems.
Globally, it is a little more difficult to judge the square mileage of impervious surfaces. “We can extrapolate from the United States to a degree,” says Ferguson, “but there are too many variables to judge accurately.” The United States has a lot of automobiles, and compared to many other countries, Americans tend to build more (and wider) roads, more (and bigger) parking lots, more (and more expansive) shopping centers, and larger houses (with accompanying larger roofs). He says, “The United States might be on a par with Europe, but we’d be very different from India, for example, or any country where large numbers of the populace live in smaller, scattered villages, mostly without paved roads, parking lots, and the like.”
According to the nonprofit Center for Watershed Protection, as much as 65% of the total impervious cover over America’s landscape consists of streets, parking lots, and drivewayswhat center staff refer to as “habitat for cars.” Says Roger Bannerman, a researcher with the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources: “You see some truly insane things in this country. I’ve seen subdivisions with streets that are thirty to forty feet wide. That’s as wide as a two-lane highway. Most developers are going back to a twenty-five- to twenty-eight-foot width, but you can still see these huge streets.”
Upon these automotive habitats fall a variety of substances, and thereby hangs the rest of the tale. Impervious surfaces collect particulate matter from the atmosphere, nitrogen oxides from car exhaust, rubber particles from tires, debris from brake systems, phosphates from residential and agricultural fertilizers, and dozens of other pollutants. “On a parking lot, for example, we have demonstrated buildups of hydrocarbons, bacterial contamination, metals from wearing brake linings, and spilled antifreeze,” says Ferguson.
On a road of open-graded aggregate (stone), much of that material would seep down into the pavement and soil, and the community of microorganisms living there would begin a rapid breakdown process. But pollutants can’t penetrate an impervious surface, and the rapid flow of rainwater off of impervious surfaces means these pollutants end up in the water. “So then,” says Ferguson, “not only do you have too much water, all moving too fast, you have polluted water that kills fish and makes water unfit for drinking or recreation.” ...
The Promise of Porous Pavements:
Despite the overwhelming body of evidence supporting the negative relationship between impervious surfaces and the environment, no one would seriously suggest that we stop paving streets or building parking lots. What, then, are the options?
According to Ferguson, there are nine different families of porous pavement materials. Some of these materials are already well known in the United States; they include open-jointed pavers that can be filled with turf or aggregate, “soft” paving materials such as wood mulch and crushed shell, and traditional decking.
Other families include porous concretes and asphalts being developed by engineers and landscape architects. Ferguson says these materials use the same components and manufacturing processes as conventional impervious materials, “and as a general rule, carry the same health and environmental issues. . . . Same chemicals, same energy costs to manufacture, but far different benefits in its use.” These new formulations still provide solid, safe surfaces for foot and vehicle traffic, but also allow rainwater to percolate down into subsurface soils.
The porosity of porous asphalt is achieved simply by using a lower concentration of fine aggregate than in traditional asphalt; it can be mixed at a conventional asphalt plant. Under the porous asphalt coating is a bed of clean aggregate. Importantly, this aggregate is all of the same size, which maximizes the void spaces between the rocks, allowing water to filter through. A layer of geotextile fabric beneath this bed lets water drain into the soil and keeps soil particles from moving up into the stone.
Porous asphalt was actually developed more than 30 years ago, according to Ferguson, but it didn’t pan out at that time. Part of the problem, he believes, was and continues to be the low level of federally funded research. “Back in the early eighties, when porous pavement was new, the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] was really interested, especially in porous asphalt,” he says. “But one of the problems with porous asphalt back then was that on a hot day, the binder softened and migrated down to a cooler layer. That released the surface aggregate and clogged the lower layer.” According to Ferguson, the EPA became discouraged and discontinued studies....
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