I stumbled upon this little gem today:
How sad is it getting when Yahoo has to post such an article? So let me get this straight, we're supposed to base our career choice on out-sourcing? Am I the only person who is totally disturbed by this logic? Especially when the gov't is talking about bailing out car companies because they don't want Americans to lose their jobs. WHAT? Yeah, you care about Americans losing their jobs while corporations are busying themselves with making as much money as possible at the expense of American jobs, foreign labor, and the environment. The level of exploitation is so out of control I can't believe that the gov't isn't working on legislation that will put an end to such obvious irreverance for the well being of all people and the environment. But then why would they when the gov't is nothing more than a corporate puppet?
It is more important than ever to be aware of where your money is going. Become a conscious consumer, don't support corporations that aren't supporting you and your loved ones. Instead, support your local economy even when that means spending a little more money. Start thinking of the long term benefits that you and your loved ones will become a part of when you change your current habits.
We can kick and scream as we are being layed off, clearly no one is listening. We have to hit them where it hurts just like they are hitting us where it hurts, their pocket books. The loss of profit is all these corporate fucks feel...They don't feel your pain or the pain of the exploited in foreign lands. We may have to spend a bit more money, we may have to get used to coming home with one t-shirt instead of five, we may have to realize that this alternative is better for the environment, foreign laborers, and Americans.
Every time you buy a product that was made in Mexico, China, India ask yourself who is benefiting from that purchase and who is hurting as a direct result of that purchase. Every time you buy a t-shirt that is $10 ask yourself, 'Why is this shirt only $10?' Ask yourself, 'Who is benefiting?' You may think this is a benefit to you, it may feel beneficial at the moment, but it isn't. The only people benefiting are the corporate CEOs who have outsourced your job, your neighbors job in order to make more money for themselves. It's as simple as that.
Over consumption is OUT! Thousands (if not millions including children) of Americans are dying of diseases related to obesity, we have more of everything than we could possibly need, we are destroying the environment and ourselves.
It's time to take control...All you have to do is consume consciously; and if you feel like taking it a step further, write a letter to these corporations, let them know that you are no longer buying from them because they don't have any interest in the lives of the people who are supporting their lavish life styles.
A really great documentary on the subject called The Corporation: http://www.naturalnews.com/019325.html