I was perusing The Huffington Post this evening where I spotted an article regarding Gwyneth Paltrow's defense of her Web Page GOOP:
So of course I had to check GOOP out as I was beginning to think that perhaps she had lost her marbles or something. I was expecting to see frontal nudity or worse!
The first question that came to mind after checking out some good tips on healthy cleansing options, which included easy to make recipes for meals and things like smoothies, was: Why is the media picking on a woman who is taking the time out of her busy schedule to kick down some very practical and positive advice to whomever might be interested? As I perused on I read about things to do internationally, current art exhibitions, good books, advice on clothes, tips on parenting, and my favorite, she asked a group of philosophers from varying religious/philosphical backgrounds this fantastic question:
I have a friend who sees the world in a pessimistic light. This person is highly suspicious of people and situations, and sees, as well as experiences negativity at most turns. Why is this and what does it mean? What can be done to help someone of this nature?
To which, the likes of Deepak Chopra, replied!
And if none of the above shocked the shit out of you...check this out:
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Gwyneth Paltrow is an intelligent woman who seems to pull from various spiritual/philosophical belief systems most of which includes ideas of connectedness, kindness, sharing, being grateful for what one has, and realizing that there are many individuals who may not be as fortunate; she is sharing some of the information that she has amassed over the years and she is doing it with kindness and honesty. So haters need to step off!
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