Todays episode of Oprah covered 'How We Treat the Animals We Eat' just in time for proposition 2 http://yesonprop2.com/ which will be on the ballot here in California this November. I watched this episode fully aware of the pull that Oprah has as millions of Americans watch her program. I am so glad that she covered this issue and I have to say that she did a fantastic job of presenting both sides of the argument.
The only point that wasn't made: Although one doesn't necessarily have to go vegetarian / vegan (which was pointed out twice during the program) it might be wise to go for the quality over quantity when we shop for our food. Spend a bit more for the better quality animal products that we consume and eat less of those products as they aren't meant to be consumed often anyway. And when I say quality I mean quality of life for the animal, product that isn't infused with antibiotics and /or hormones etc.
We all have choices...
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