Michael Hsiung
Michael Hsiung's work is influenced by personal study, especially that found in fairy tales and National Geographic Magazines, but not entirely void of academia, since he comes from an artist family. We found Michael on Myspace in Summer of 2006 -that's right, Myspace. If we recall correctly he only had about a dozen drawings at that time, but had made the decision to pursue this vocation. Since then his line work and materials has matured immensely, although his subjects and storytelling remain true to his own unique and quirky voice.
Michael draws black ink drawings on cream paper, sometimes with red accents, although he has threatened to use other colors as well but rarely has. He depicts oddly realistic tales. Protagonists include Mermen in precarious and questionable situations, Victorian athletes and fancy men with their dead or tended-to prey and hobbies, or the struggles and plights of imaginary and real animals. Antagonists include any combination of the above mentioned. Michael’s drawings portray scenarios that are relatable in a most perplexing and somewhat Un-Politically correct way – yet somehow so right. His remarkably dry sense of humor compliments his work, making it magnetic and infectious.
“In my work, I illustrate my own imaginative world, a place where creatures of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and lullabies, which are a part of our childhood and adult culture, interact - be it warring or not. …These themes are often combined with humor commonly used by those in dysfunctional relationships.” – Michael C. Hsiung
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