Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Golden Spiral: a Key To Understanding Energy in Nature

We invite you to contemplate an ancient vision of the universe as a living, breathing, conscious Being . . . and the ubiquitous Golden Spiral as the mathematical expression of the life breath of a living universe.

All creation is the interweaving of cycles. From Galactic manifestation to subatomic waves, the universe is a vast spectrum of cycles. The cycles of birth and death, summer and winter, day and night, in-breath and out-breath weave the fabric of life. The ancient rishis (Yogi's who purified their body/minds and directly experienced the fundamental forces of creation) experienced the underlying unity of all cycles as the breath of Brahma and the ubiquitous periodicity of the universe as the rhythm of the life breath of a single harmonious Living Being.

There is a profound body of scientific evidence that points to the fact that the universe is a single harmonious system. A key to understanding this unity is found in an aspect of natural law known variously as the “Divine Proportion,” “Golden Section,” “Golden Ratio,” or Golden Spiral.”

Bruce Rawles explains:

The Divine Proportion was closely studied by the Greek sculptor, Phidias, hence, it was given the name Phi. Also known as the Golden Mean, the Magic Ratio, the Fibonacci Series, etc., Phi can be found throughout the universe; from the spirals of galaxies to the spiral of a Nautilus seashell; from the harmony of music to the beauty in art. A botanist will find it in the growth patterns of flowers and plants, while the zoologist sees it in the breeding of rabbits. The entomologist views it in the genealogy of a bee, and the physicist observes it in the behavior of light and atoms. A Wall Street analyst finds it in the rising and falling patterns of a market, the mathematician in the examination of the pentagram. . . . The ancient Egyptians used it in the construction of the great pyramids and in the design of hieroglyphs found on tomb walls . . . . Plato in his Timaeus considered it the most binding of all mathematical relations and makes it the key to the physics of the cosmos.1

The Golden Spiral can be described mathematically through a principle known in the West as the Fibonacci progression which is named after an Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci da Pisa. Fibonacci, the father of western mathematics, learned this principle from traders of the Aryan civilizations of Asia. The Fibonacci progression is a mathematical sequence that is produced by starting with 1 and adding the last two numbers in the progression to arrive at the next. The Fibonacci sequence begins: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . . Each number is the sum of the previous two numbers.

The Fibonacci numbers, and especially ratios of two successive Fibonacci numbers, show up extensively in nature. For example, the petals of a Monterey pine cone are arranged in spirals crossing in both directions: eight spirals in one direction and thirteen in the other. Similar patterns arise in the seeds of sunflowers and in other plants whose leaves grow in a spiral around a central stem; each successive leaf may be on the opposite side (1/2 way around) or may be 2/3 of the way around, or 3/5, etc.2

The ratio of any two successive Fibonacci numbers from three on is about 1:1.618. This ratio occurs ubiquitously throughout nature, in logarithmic spirals that underlie the process of growth.

The Golden Spiral describes the radiation of energy from a center. In all natural processes energy radiates from a center in the logarithmic proportions of the Golden Spiral. One can witness the Golden Spiral in the curve of an elephant’s tusk, the horns of wild sheep, the curve of a canary’s claw, the spiral in a pineapple or daisy. The spiral of your fingerprint or curl in your eye lash follow the Divine Proportion. The planets of our solar system radiate from our Sun, and galaxies manifest following the rhythms of the Golden Spiral. The Fibonacci progression describes the law that underlies the radiation of energy in nature. “It governs, for example, the laws involved with the multiple reflections of light through mirrors, as well as the rhythmic laws of gains and losses in the radiation of energy.”3

The breath of Brahma sustains the harmony of the Golden Spiral. The source of all vibration is the word of God. The song of God animates the cosmic dance of Shiva and Shakti, centrifugal and centripetal currents that undulate through every spiraling atom of creation The vibration of these spiraling yang and yin currents weaves the fabric of creation. David Tame in his valuable book,The Secret Power of Music, in a section titled “The vocal range of the one Singer,” points out the unity of the electromagnetic spectrum:

Not only “solid” matter but all forms of energy, are composed of waves: which is to say, vibrations. All of the different kinds of electromagnetic energy—including radio waves, heat, X rays, cosmic rays, visible light, infra-red, and ultraviolet—are composed of wave like or vibratory activity, these vibrations traveling through the universe at 186,000 miles per second. The only difference between each of these phenomena is their frequency of vibration or wavelength. Each merges into the other at a certain wavelength: which obviously means, when one gets down to it, they are each one and the same thing.4

All vibration is aligned with the harmony of the electromagnetic spectrum. The mathematics that describe the radiation of energy throughout the vast spectrum of vibration of the universe is the Golden Spiral. Every level of macrocosm and microcosm of vibration is attuned to the harmony of the one singer.

The ancient rishis (seers) purified their bodies and concentrated their minds. They communed with the intelligence of the cosmic being through prayer and devotion. They actualized micro clairvoyant powers (siddhi) in which they directly experienced the fundamental forces of creation. They witnessed “spirals, within, spirals, within spirals . . . ” as they described the vibratory nature of energy. They described the gunas, the fundamental modes of nature, which they likened to a rope spun of three threads. Centrifugal and centripetal spiraling around an unchanging core. Spiraling through all vibration are a balance of centrifugal and centripetal currents fractally emanating from an infinite core. These forces radiate from the core, universally, in the proportional harmonics defined by the Golden Spiral.5

Like wheels within wheels, fields undulate within fields in the universal
electromagnetic process of centrifugal and centripetal forces. All energy in creation vibrates as a Logarithmic Spiral.6

Undulating through every spiral of periodicity in creation is the profound balance of the universal breath of ascending and descending currents of yang and yin, expansion and contraction, Fire and Water...

I Know You're Hooked So For More:

Please see Bruce Rawles site for more Universal pleasures:


Bruce Rawles said...

Hi: Thanks for sharing my comments! I think you might actually be quoting from another Bruce (in addition to me; it's not obvious from your blog post exactly where your quotes come from, but I like what you wrote! :-)

If you want to link to my tutorial on sacred geometry, you can find it at ... There's LOTS more on the site as well...

Cheers and blessings! :-)

Tara Mars said...

Thank you! I pulled the whole 'article' from Bruce Burger's web site. And thanks for providing the link to your site, I will add that right away...Good to have people like you around to help make sense of the universe. Some of us aren't so mathematically inclined.